This page is operated by DEEP|海米站
Hi there, we are a group of ZhouShen Fans and would like to share our experience about how to solve and cover the technical problem like the region block issues / download app etc. Welcome to leave your message and problems here, our volunteer will help later on.
大家好, 我们是一群周深的粉丝(生米), 希望透过DEEP的各个平台, 能以自己的经验分享给同样是海米的你们, 帮助大家一起愉快追深. 如有任何疑难比如地域限制, 下载困难, 可在此处留言, 我们会於稍後回复.
型号 Model: Apple / Android
APP: 微博Weibo | 网易云音乐WYY | QQ音乐 QQ Music | QQ messenger | 淘宝 TaoBao